CannabisGroup2Chronic Pain Toronto is a patient advocacy group whose goal is to help pain sufferers find the right care and support. We also fundraise and support for other patient advocacy groups.
Photo left: Jennifer Collet and her Dignified Access Initiative. (August 2015)
We do not advocate any one type of treatment but seek to provide education and support so that you and your medical team can make informed decisions. To help us determine how we can be of assistance, please complete the following questionnaire. You can print or email the form with the link above.

Please consider completing our * ANONYMOUS * new survey for Pain Patient advocacy. If you or someone you know wishes to participate, kindly pass on this important survey.

With the results of this survey, we will champion our rights as Chronic pain patients, and rally towards better and more timely, compassionate pain care for all long term pain conditions.

Thank you for helping GIve Pain A Voice!